WOOOOOO!!!  One of my favorite shows of the year!  Retro Expo officially came back around to the DFW area!  As I've stated before, my goal is to continuously grow, and I came fully unprepared for this show lmao.  But I had the booth laid out in my head, and it the execution of the booth came out exactly how I pictured it.  The booth took a total of 9 hours to complete, simply because I hadn't had a show until Fan Expo and I took a long break before this show.  The booth itself came out beautiful and everyone who came through loved it!

Saturday was super busy throughout the entire day, which made it hard to leave the booth for any type of break.  Something that I'll never complain about.  The setup I had made it easy for people to walk in the booth and look at everything thoroughly, without feeling cramped.  I took my place in the middle of the booth at the table I set up there containing my shirts and DBZ Statues.  It was a different feel but I didn't feel in the way like I usually do at most shows.  It also allowed customers to know find who the owner of the booth was much easier.  Usually people look around and then ask whoever else is at the booth, because they either don't see me, or assume I can't be the owner of the booth.  This time around was much different and people came directly too the table I was at too checkout, ask pricing questions, or general questions over all.  

As stated, Saturday was beyond busy, and in the chaos, Christopher Sabat, the Voice of Vegeta, All Might, Zoro, Piccolo, and many more, stopped by the booth with his family.  I've met him multiple times, but it's still super dope having him come to the booth, and remembering me as a fan in his line at Kamehacon 3 years ago.  (We took 3 days to coordinate our matching Adidas Goku shoes, at that show.)  I sold his family some items later on in the day, and I sent a pop with a friend to get signed by him, to which he signed and sent back one of the stickers I gave his daughter, which had been signed by him, and said "you kick ass".  It was a pretty cool experience, and love the situation I've put myself in to get opportunities like this.  

Sunday was a bit slower but overall a successful day!  We packed up fairly quickly and headed home a couple bins lighter.  I tried not too look around too much, this time around.  There's a bunch of vendors with retro games, horror items, and memorabilia from older shows and movies from the 80's and back.  Along with a bunch of actors, and voice actors.  The Retro Expo hosts know how to create an event that caters to all parties, and though it's a retro show, they know what's in and make an effort to be all inclusive.  I'll be back in November for the next one, and in New Braunfels for their Retro Mania event in January! 


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